Stream For Starlight: Impacting Hospitalized Kids since 2019
Starlight Children’s Foundation’s history with gaming began in 1992 when the first-ever Starlight Gaming Station was created to deliver happiness to hospitalized kids. In 2019, to unite the gaming and streaming communities, Stream For Starlight (S4S) was born! Charity streamers and content creators from across the U.S. came together to live-stream and fundraise for Starlight, raising over $40,000 in the first campaign alone! Alongside gaming, broadcasts included cooking demos, crafting, live music, and more, all to raise funds and awareness for Starlight and our mission.
Since its inception, we’ve seen nothing but fun and success! Over 1,000 charity streamers have:
Raised over $1.8 million for Starlight
Placed more than 700 Starlight programs in hospitals and medical facilities across the nation
Delivered happiness to 1,113,840 hospitalized kids from coast to coast
Top 3 Fundraising Streamers
DGR_Dave - $79,675
Nomands_Land_Official - $41,581
chefsteve330 - $40,534
Top 3 Fundraising Stream Teams
Wild Abandon - $144,253
Stream Stars - $86,048
GoodCauseCrusaders - $78,754
Meet some of our fundraisers!
chefesteve330 has been fundraising for Starlight since its inaugural event in 2019 and has raised over $40,000! He’s a food & drink broadcaster and the leader of the Good Cause Crusaders stream team, who have raised nearly $80,000 for Starlight! Operating out of Houston, TX, Steve built and operates the More Than Pasta food truck, touting a large QR code to encourage people to donate to causes like Starlight’s.
the8bitdrummer, aka Jarod, has been a part of Stream For Starlight since day one! Leveraging his passion for drumming, his welcoming community, and his seemingly endless vat of energy, Jarod's used his live-streaming platform to raise just over $20,000 for Starlight since 2019.
Quiltoni is a self-titled "professional geeky quilter" and partnered broadcaster on Twitch, and is known for designing and selling her own line of pixelated patterns which can be found in your local craft store! She's been fundraising for Starlight since 2019 and has raised nearly $40,000 for Starlight!
This year, S4S’s September campaign is celebrating its 5th birthday! With a goal of $200,000, hundreds of broadcasters will come together, once again, to fundraise to deliver happiness to hospitalized kids. There’s an easy way for YOU to get involved, too!
Sign Up to Stream: If you or anyone you know is interested in streaming for Starlight, you can register today to join the campaign! Throughout the whole month of September stream as little or as often as you’d like.
Press Play: Join us on September 1st on the StarlightUS Twitch channel to kick off this campaign season, have a chance to win awesome prizes, and meet our new 2023-24 Starlight Stream Ambassadors!
We can’t wait to see all of the fun and shenanigans coming up in September and are so grateful for the continued support of our amazing Stream For Starlight Community!