
National Reach, Local Impact

In 2023, 724 hospitals and care facilities across the US received Starlight programs.

Since 1982, Starlight has developed a nation-wide network of hospital partners including children’s hospitals, specialty clinics and camps, respite houses, and hospice care facilities. Through this network, hospitals and healthcare providers across the county request the programs they need free of cost, impacting the lives of three million children and their families. 

Starlight Hospital Partner Map

​Starlight is committed to the equitable allocation of our programs to our hospital network.  In 2023, 47% of the facilities receiving our programs serve patients, based on Census demographics, that are considered medically underserved and/or vulnerable.​

Starlight is America’s broadest reaching charity focused on sick kids and recognized as an integral part of the total care of hospitalized kids.

  1. Starlight Hospital Partners by Year 2024

  2. MUVP Starlight Hospital Partners by Year 2024

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