Starlight Hospital Gowns Replace Pain with Comfort for Devon
Meet Devon
When Judyanna saw her precious seven-year-old Devon developing bruises on his arm, feeling lethargic, and not eating much of his favorite meal, she knew something wasn’t right.
Judyanna and her husband Jesus rushed Devon to the hospital. More dots developed all over Devon’s body as they anxiously waited for his lab results.
The doctor finally came to them with an explanation: cancer.
Judyanna and Jesus were in shock, and guilt fell down their faces in the form of tears.
For childhood cancer patients like Devon, separation from loved ones increases feelings of isolation and anxiety, making it more challenging to be resilient during painful treatments and procedures.
One of Devon’s procedures included an arduous port-a-cath surgery to replace the peripherally inserted central catheter, straining him and those who love him.
“It was heartbreaking watching my baby endure painful procedures with endless side effects,” said Judyanna.

But when Devon’s child life specialist gave him a Starlight Hospital Gown, it completely changed Devon’s hospital experience. Replacing his plain regular hospital gown, his Starlight Hospital Gown was brightly colored, comfortable and had more coverage.
Unlike regular gowns, Devon’s Starlight Gown tied down the side and had plastic snaps on each shoulder, which gave easier access for medical procedures and made it less painful for Devon, too.
“I’m so grateful to the child life specialist who gave Devon a Starlight Gown. Wearing a Starlight Gown made accessing his port easier and less painful, making him happy and feel more comfortable!” - Judyanna, Devon’s mom

There are families all over the country experiencing similar pains, anxieties, and fears as Devon and his family.
You can bring them comfort and hope by donating to a Starlight program.
No matter the amount, every dollar counts towards giving happiness to a hospitalized kid and their family.