Radio Flyer Awarded Starlight’s Excellence in Innovation
As Starlight celebrates our 40th anniversary, we turn the spotlight onto the incredible partners, hospitals, and individuals we work with every day to fulfill our mission – delivering happiness to seriously ill kids and their families.
Starlight is thrilled to recognize the team at Radio Flyer with the Excellence in Innovation Award. Radio Flyer has been a Starlight partner since 2001 and has contributed more than 15,000 of its signature Radio Flyer Wagons to support sick kids across the country at Starlight’s partner hospitals.
In 2022, Radio Flyer created a custom wagon for Starlight, the Starlight Radio Flyer Hero Wagon. Radio Flyer took special care to develop the Hero Wagon based on hospital and patient feedback. The wagon has an IV pole attachment, seat belts for safety, smooth surfaces, and durable fabric that is easily sanitized by hospital staff between each use. The Hero Wagon transforms a hospitalized child’s experience by removing the fear and anxiety that may come with having to use a wheelchair.

Radio Flyer’s innovation with the Hero Wagon has allowed it to become an integral part of a child’s pediatric care and a source of comfort for kids during life’s difficult moments.
"The Radio Flyer Wagon was a significant factor in Karter’s long hospital stays. He was so young and unable to communicate well, on top of having major speech delays, the one thing he could always say was “Red Go!” And that meant he wanted to take a lap in the wagon through the oncology floor." – Starlight Kid Karter’s mom, Krista
For the past 40 years, Starlight has worked to evolve our programs to better fit the needs of our hospital partners and the children we serve – and this is exactly what Radio Flyer has helped us do with the Hero Wagon.
We are so grateful for Radio Flyer’s support in delivering happiness and easing the stress of hospitalization for sick kids and their families.
Join us in celebrating 40 years of delivering happiness — give $40 to transform the lives of hospitalized kids and receive a limited-edition anniversary pin!