
DGR_Dave: Standout Starlight Streamer

DGR_Dave is a Nintendo-focused content creator who flies through Super Mario Maker 2 levels like no other. He’s also officially the largest individual fundraiser Stream For Starlight has ever seen! 

Last year, Dave joined Starlight’s 12 Days of Streaming campaign to deliver holiday cheer to hospitalized kids across the US. He streamed Nintendo games to over 140,000 Twitch followers and was blown away by his viewership’s response. Dave’s goal for the month was $30,000, which his community achieved on the very first day! By December 24, he had raised over $80,000!  

DGR_Dave reaches $30,000 raised in his first of twelve streams! His community will go on to more than double that amount.

This wasn’t Dave’s first experience with Starlight. Years ago, his wife and high school sweetheart needed surgery at Janet Weis Children’s Hospital in Danville, Pennsylvania. Before her surgery, she and Dave used Starlight Gaming to relax. 

"While we were there, Starlight was actually there, when we were waiting for her appointments, and waiting [for] pre-surgery and after surgery. Starlight actually had some video game stands they would bring to the room and we were able to play took my mind off of it, and I know it...took my wife's mind off of it for a little bit," said Dave. 

Dave has been streaming for over six years between his Twitch and YouTube channels. He hyped up his community for the month-long fundraiser in November and fulfilled incentives, like dying his hair pink and drinking mystery eggnog to identify its ingredients, throughout December. 

DGR Dave BlogImage - Pink Hair

This fundraiser was such a hit that his amazing community placed multiple Starlight programs including four Gaming stations at hospitals across the country! The hospitals that are receiving our innovative programs thanks to Dave and his community are: Janet Weis Children’s Hospital, AdventHealth Tampa and Children’s of Mississippi.

Oh my gosh! We are SO EXCITED!!!!! Thank you, Starlight; our patients are going to absolutely love this!!

- Tiffany from Children's of Mississippi

Starlight Gaming stations have been providing moments of joy and entertainment to hospitalized kids for more than 29 years. These Gaming stations meet strict infection protocols and can be rolled in and out of hospital rooms, making them available to all patients – even those that are unable to leave their bed.

We are so thankful for Dave and his community for delivering happiness every day! 

Read more about DGR_Dave's Starlight Experience.
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You can join Stream for Starlight any time of the year.

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