
2023 TwitchCon Recap

From honoring Starlight’s top charity streamers to Starlight Ambassador-held minute-to-win-it games, 2023 TwitchCon was a success! 

Check out the Stream For Starlight (S4S) highlights from TwitchCon 2023!

Happenings At the Starlight TwitchCon Booth 

S4S Ambassadors and Alumni Takeover!  

S4S Ambassadors and Alumni hosted kooky minute-to-win-it games all weekend long, drawing quite the crowd! Participants had the opportunity to win S4S swag including Tote bags, Snapbacks, Neon Beanies, and more!  

Check out the power of play in action: 


Minute-To-Win-It game hosted by DinomiteTwins

Minute-To-Win-It game hosted by Quiltoni

Minute-To-Win-It game hosted by Amish_Ace

Minute-To-Win-It game hosted by Roro

Play is an essential pillar of impact, providing therapeutic value and opportunities to learn and grow. At TwitchCon, play was the name of the game! Minute-to-win-it games served as a quirky catalyst for the S4S team to share how Starlight programs like Gaming and Toy Deliveries bring joy, feelings of safety, and learning opportunities to hospitalized kids. 

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Starlight Brings Content Creators of the Year to TwitchCon 

We could not be more grateful for our amazing S4S community, and to honor their hard work, we brought our top three charity streamers Quiltoni, chefsteve330, and blklght to join the Starlight team at TwitchCon in Las Vegas! 

All three content creators have harnessed the power of their platforms for an important cause – delivering happiness to hospitalized kids - and they understand the difficulty that those children face: anxiety and loneliness caused by difficult treatments and procedures. Thanks to the donations from their generous communities, hospitals are an easier place for kids to be, and we were honored to present Quiltoni, chefsteve330, and blklght with Starlight Awards as Content Creators of the Year.

Starlight’s Content Creators of the Year (Left to Right): blklght, chefsteve330, and Quiltoni

Post-TwitchCon Fundraising: Delivering Happiness Just Doesn’t Stop! 

Amish_Ace Raises $1729 in Post-TwitchCon Fundraiser 

Stream Ambassador Amish_Ace held a post-TwitchCon fundraiser, streaming for kids in hospitals across the country! In total, Amish_Ace raised $1729 to deliver Starlight programs.  

Team BASILISK Raises Over $1400 for Starlight 

Team BASILISK, e-sports team playing for the science victory, delivered happiness by choosing Starlight as its chosen chartable partner for its TwitchCon exclusive giveaway items. The Team BASILISK fundraiser has raised over $1400 for hospitalized kids! 

Funds raised by S4S broadcasters deliver many Starlight programs including Starlight Gaming, Starlight Virtual Reality, and Starlight Toy Deliveries to hospitalized kids across the country. Starlight Gaming helps redirect a child’s focus and provide a sense of relief from stressful situations, while Starlight Virtual Reality immerses children in stimulating content that helps fight feelings of isolation and anxiety. Starlight Toy Deliveries give children an outlet for their emotions by helping ease their fears around conditions and environmental stressors. 

Our streaming community is essential to advancing our mission - delivering happiness to hospitalized kids. By galvanizing their communities in a shared effort to do good, streamers have raised more than $2 million to deliver Starlight programs to children in hospitals, delivering moments of happiness when they need it the most.  

As 2023 comes to an end, there is a great need to support hospitalized kids' emotional well-being. Many hospitalized kids will have to stay in the hospital during the holidays. For hospitalized kids, having to endure endless pokes and pains is already difficult enough, but a fear of missing family traditions increases their anxiety.  

Streamers are committing to fundraise to give holiday cheer during 12 Days of Streaming. Since TwitchCon, over 20 streamers have already signed up to join the cause!  

But we need your help – more streamers are needed to ensure that every single hospitalized child can experience happiness from a Starlight program.  

Join in on the year-end merriment today and sign-up for 12 Days of Streaming!
Sign Up Now

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