Grace Pineapple Hospital Gown 16x9

Hospital Gowns

Designed to support a child’s mental wellbeing from the start of their hospital stay

One of the most stressful experiences in a child's hospital journey is transitioning from their personal clothes into a hospital gown. 

Hospital gowns are often a source of discomfort for hospitalized kids. It leaves them feeling exposed or embarrassed in an already overwhelming situation. 

Starlight Hospital Gowns replace traditional hospital gowns to promote a more positive experience. Specially designed with ties down the side, they provide better privacy and coverage for kids. Snaps on the sleeves allow easier access for hospital staff during medical procedures and our brightly colored and themed gowns lead to fun, interactive experiences which aid emotional wellbeing. 

"I had a 6-year-old patient that...was extremely anxious to be at the hospital and finding out he had to change clothes made matters more frightening for him…Once the patient saw how fun this “new” gown [from Starlight] was, he was immediately ready to change and became more compliant. By watching him become less anxious, his family members also became calmer."

- CCLS, CHRISTUS Shreveport-Bossier Health System

You can provide comfort to hospitalized kids through Starlight Hospital Gowns.
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What makes Starlight Hospital Gowns special?

Starlight Hospital Gowns Infographic

The Impact of Starlight Gowns

  1. People Icon


    The colorful gowns are a conversation starter with everyone from clinical staff to other patients.

  2. Procedural Support Icon

    Procedural Support

    Clinicians can easily perform routine medical procedures with multiple points of access.

  3. Emotional Support Icon Blue

    Emotional Support

    Choosing an outfit provides an outlet for kids to express emotions and identity through their appearance.

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