
Support Your Local Hospital

Deliver happiness to hospitalized kids for years to come when you place a Starlight program at a hospital in your community

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Select your Starlight Programs

Starlight Virtual Reality

Starlight Virtual Reality

$1,800 to sponsor
Starlight Nintendo Switch

Starlight Nintendo Switch

$5,000 to sponsor
Starlight Gowns

Starlight Gowns

$35 per gown
(50 minimum)
Starlight Radio Flyer Wagons

Starlight Radio Flyer Wagons

$250 per wagon

Total sponsorship:


Please provide your information and we'll contact you within one business day to get started.

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See the Impact

  1. Blog 21 04 30 Gaming Station TheHotDish

    Starlight Streamer TheHotdish Shares Her Love of Gaming!

  2. Blog 21 04 27 Gaming Station ChefSteve

    Grillin’ for Good

  3. Blog 20 04 07 STarlight Kid Harlow

    Under the Sea with Starlight Virtual Reality