DAG2021 Fandom P1 Hero

Design a Gown, Create a Smile

Fandom is bringing happiness to seriously ill kids through the 2021 Design-A-Gown campaign.

And the Fandom Starlight Design-A-Gown Winner is...

Fandom Gown Winner Jory Hero

Jory, Los Angeles, CA

Jory’s colorful knight was designed to make kids smile and feel like champions.

I wanted to create something that was sort of gender neutral. Something that had a bunch of different elements that any child could be excited about... Starlight is an organization that brings smiles to kids faces when they need them the most and being a part of that mission is an incredible opportunity.

We are excited to seeing this gown deliver happiness to hospitalized kids. Congratulations Jory!

Fandom Gown Finalists Nikki Linda

Huge thanks to Nikki and Linda for their wonderful gown entries.

Our Impact

Starlight Gowns have been given to children at 530+ hospitals & pediatric units in all 50 states since 2016

$35 can provide a comfy and colorful gown to a seriously ill kid

Give $35

"Starlight is such a gift to our hospital. The new gowns have completely changed the conversation when children are admitted to the hospital. They now have a choice of something far more fun and delightful than ever before. We are so grateful for your creativity and support. You make a difference!"

– Erika Croswhite, Child Life Supervisor, Denver Health

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